
La città Eterna

The Legend of Rome

Abandoned as babes on the Tiber River, Romulus and Remus, sons of a Vestal Virgin and the war god Mars, clung to life. A she-wolf found them by the Palatine Hill, nurturing them as her own. Raised by a shepherd, the twins grew strong, uncovering their royal heritage and rightful claim to the throne. They dethroned the tyrant king, restoring their grandfather. Destiny called them to build a great city. Disagreement over the location sparked tension. In a moment of rage, Romulus killed Remus. Grief-stricken but determined, Romulus founded Rome on the Palatine Hill, forever linked to his brother's death. The legend of Rome, a city born from love, ferocity, and a tragic conflict, continues to echo through history.

Must visit places

Villa Borghese

Villa Borghese, a sprawling park in Rome, boasts landscaped gardens, museums like the Borghese Gallery, and charming attractions like a replica of a Roman temple.

Created in the 17th century by a cardinal, Villa Borghese became a public park in the early 20th century, offering a green escape and artistic treasures for all visitors.

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Terme di Caracalla

The Terme di Caracalla were one of the grandest public bath complexes in ancient Rome, offering swimming pools, gyms, and social spaces for citizens.

Built in the early 3rd century AD, the Terme di Caracalla's impressive ruins stand today as a testament to Roman engineering and leisure culture.

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Vatican Museum

Musei Vaticani, a vast complex within Vatican City, houses an unparalleled collection of art and artifacts, including Renaissance masterpieces by Michelangelo and Raphael.

Spanning centuries and cultures, the Musei Vaticani offer a journey through history, from Egyptian mummies to ancient Roman sculptures to breathtaking Renaissance paintings.

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